Margot Must

Master Thesis Defenses in Philosophy 2024

Master thesis defenses in Philosophy in 2024 on June 10, Jakobi 2-336.

10:00 Yufeng Luo
Collective Responsibility in the Anthropocene
Supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Juhan Hellerma and Francesco Orsi 

11:15 Zhiyi Zhu
The Arendtian Problem of New Beginnings: Beginnings and Foundations of Freedom in Revolution
Supervisor Siobhan Kattago, reviewers Andrey Gavrilin and Henri Otsing 

12:30 Mykyta Kabrel
How Does Psychotherapy Work? A Cognitive Neuroscience-Based Framework for Understanding Therapeutic Change
Supervisors Jaan Aru and Bruno Mölder, reviewers Taavi Luik and Vivian Puusepp 

Everybody is welcome to attend!

Tartu Ülikooli tudengid Delta õppehoones

The mentoring programme offers a valuable experience for both students and alumni

Doktorant kolme minuti loengute konkursil esinemas

Doctoral students are invited to present their research at the three-minute thesis competition

Esmakursuslaste koolituspäev humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkonnas

Information session for starting international students of the Faculty